Questions for Lydia!

  • Hi Everyone! First of all a very warm welcome to the Cricket for Girls Community Forum! My hope is that this will become the 'go to' place for all of us working in the women and girls space. From teachers and coaches, to parents and volunteers with an interest in supporting the game - we all have a passion for the game and I'm a big believer that collobartion and sharing of ideas is always the best way to go!

    There are already a variety of topics for you to interact with, please don't hesitate to get the ball started in any of them. This particualr part of the forum is for you to post any questions you might have about the women and girls game for me to answer. I will do my best to answer them as helpfully as possible!

    For now, please take the time to have a look about the community and get involved!

    Thanks for joining us....



  • Hi, with no ccricket but new nets in the high school gym I'm going to start up and focus on girls.

    can you give me some advice about what to aim at yo keep the first sessions engaging and or sign post me to some resources?

    in Peebles south Scotland 


    thank you

  • Hi Dave,

    Thanks for your message and great to hear about your plans.

    Initially, I would suggest having a focus on fun games, drills and competitions linked to high levels of activity for as many players as possible. I often find the best way to do this is through circuit based skills/games, this means setting out a number of stations relevant to the space you have access to and also numbers in the groups, to allow players to work in small groups and work their way through the stations. 

    If the skills in the circuit are competition based you could also add in a points system and get a leader board going for each team to try and pick up as many points as they can.

    In terms of signposting, there are obviously our online and on demand Level 1 and Level 2 courses which have plenty of info for you. You can also access our free resource pack which will give you some initial ideas.

    I hope that helps and would love to hear how you get on.

    Best wishes 


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